Attention, mes petits…

Ecoutez, mes enfants.

In other words, listen up kids. Cos here’s something a wee bit different from the Word Up blog HQ for the New Year. It’s not a blog as you know it, it’s a phog. Yep, a phog.

See, I’ve been torn between writing up a storm about the merits of being a misfit, in life and in small business, or bashing off a short paragraph to say sorry.

Then on top of those options came the germ of an idea for a phog. Spoilt for choice, eh? In the end, I went for all three. Sort of.

Firstly, sorry. I hate to tell you, dear faithful fans of the Weekly Word blog, but finding time to write a weekly posting on top of running a small business, and dealing with my share of the long list of domestic duties, was edging me ever closer to the verge of a nervous breakdown. Something had to give, and sacrificing my own mental health was never part of the plan.

So, secondly. Fear not, the Weekly Word isn’t completely dead and buried – from now on it’s going to be the Monthly Meanderings. Aye, on the last Friday of every month, Word Up will post some new thoughts on life, the universe and everything. And who knows? Some of it may even be related to the life and times of a wee Scottish sole trader. Issue no 1 of the new format will be appearing on these very pages on FRIDAY 30 JANUARY and will focus largely on the aforementioned fine art of misfittery. Grateful thanks to Viv Albertine for inspiration and a damn fine read, BTW.

You’ll even be able to sign up to receive these words of, ahem, wisdom directly into your inbox soon as part of the forthcoming monthly Word Up newsletter. But one thing at a time and all that.

And lastly, ah yes, the phog. See, words are what I do, cheeky ones sometimes. Irreverent and challenging, even. But even I cannot find the right words to write after this week’s events in Paris, so I hope this phog will speak a thousand of them for me.
