Tag Archives: democracy

Auf wiedersehen, pet

Hasta luego, old friends. Ciao bella, à la prochaine, vidimo se slejedeći put… later, dudes. Aye, it’s Brexit day, but I wouldn’t go as far as cheerio, cheerio, cheerio. Nonetheless, it’s a momentous date in our history, this dismal last day of January. The day we officially wave off our European compañeros for a life on our

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Along came a spider

It gladdened this old heart to watch a quietly spoken but authoritative woman deliver some solid blows against some decidedly anti-democratic behaviour this week. That Lady Hale was sporting a rather splendid spider brooch only added sartorial shine to her forcefield. All hail Spiderwoman. As a woman of a certain age myself, it was bloody marvellous to see

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Gut reaction and re-ignition

When I’ve got my small biz head on, I generally shy away from any political commentary on these here digital pages, largely preferring to keep my personal slant under my pork pie hat. Even when I have dipped a tentative toe into the waters of online opinion, it’s usually been to say that I haven’t got a

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Defeated by democracy

Today was momentous. Because today is the day we didn’t leave Europe. Not only did we fail to depart, but our conscious uncoupling is yet further delayed after the PM’s latest defeat looks set to leave democracy clinging on in utter disharmony for the foreseeable. But for ordinary punters like me (who didn’t want to

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Restless natives

    Even as a Weegie* I’ve always felt kinda continental. Somehow or other my own DNA circumvented the dominant freckly-faced, gingery genes of my Scottish, English and Irish heritage, and I’ve always harboured the fantasy that there must be un poco of Spanish pirate somewhere in our family bloodline. But as I sit here in this

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